December 23, 2021
Visitor Guidelines
The Knolls recognizes the importance of visitation for the mental health and psychosocial wellbeing of our residents. Family and friends are encouraged to come to The Knolls as often as they can.
Visiting is accommodated on a 24-hr basis7-days a week. We ask that you visit between 10:00 am to 8:00pm. Kindly coordinate late night or early morning visits in advance with the nurse on shift or social worker. Up to 2 people can visit at a time & we ask that visitors remain in the resident’s room for the duration of the visit, unless approved by staff. If your love one is receiving rehab services we ask that you visit after lunch (1pm), as morning hours are devoted to clinical/therapy sessions. Compassionate Care visits are permitted at all times and the clinical team will review guidelines, as needed.
For the resident’s well-being, we ask that no alcoholic beverages be brought. Please discuss with your loved one’s physician or nurse what foods are permitted, so that they conform to her/his diet. All food items must be kept in closed container.
If at any time a resident is placed on contact precautions or observation, your love ones will be given the option to complete WINDOW visits or FaceTime call. During window visits, your love one will be directed to contact you on your room telephone or cellular phone to give you the opportunity to communicate with each other. The Activities Department will assist with arranging FaceTime calls.
Upon arrival visitors are required to complete a COVID screening before entering the care unit. Visitors are required to wear a mask throughout their visit and the facility continues to follow the NYS DOH visitor’s guidelines & COVID-19 safety precautions.
- Visitors (regardless of vaccination status) will be screened during each visit, which consist of being asked a series of questions and having their temperature checked (Anyone with a temperature of 100°F or more will not be permitted).
- NO PETS, EATING, or DRINKING ALLOWED during visits with residents.
- Visitors will also need to provide their contact information in the event that tracing becomes necessary.
- MASK must be worn at ALL times!
- Visitors will be expected to practice social distancing, respiratory hygiene, hand hygiene, and social distancing while visiting.
- If a resident is FULLY VACCINATED they may choose to have close contact (including touch) with their visitor while wearing a well-fitting mask and [both] performing hand hygiene before and after. Regardless, visitors should physical distance from other residents and staff in the facility.
- Although visitors are not REQUIRED be tested or vaccinated in order to visit: we strongly encourage visitors not to visit if experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms- fever, cough, shortness of breath, dizziness, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.
- Limited visitation may change at any time at the discretion of the NYSDOH or the facility.
- If staff or residents test positive for COVID-19; indoor visitation will be suspended for 14 days from the date the positive test was reported on the DOH HERDS survey. Outdoor visitation may continue based on weather permitting such visits.
Failure to adhere to the visitor & covid-19 guidelines, will result in you being asked to leave the premises & you will forfeit your visiting privileges.
December 17, 2021
Visitor Guidelines
The Knolls recognizes the importance of visitation for the mental health and psychosocial wellbeing of our residents. Family and friends are encouraged to come to The Knolls as often as they can.
Visiting is accommodated on a 24-hr basis7-days a week. We ask that you visit between 10:00 am to 8:00pm. Kindly coordinate late night or early morning visits in advance with the nurse on shift or social worker. Up to 2 people can visit at a time & we ask that visitors remain in the resident’s room for the duration of the visit, unless approved by staff. If your love one is receiving rehab services we ask that you visit after lunch (1pm), as morning hours are devoted to clinical/therapy sessions. Compassionate Care visits are permitted at all times and the clinical team will review guidelines, as needed.
For the resident’s well-being, we ask that no alcoholic beverages be brought. Please discuss with your loved one’s physician or nurse what foods are permitted, so that they conform to her/his diet. All food items must be kept in closed container.
If at any time a resident is placed on contact precautions or observation, your love ones will be given the option to complete WINDOW visits or FaceTime call. During window visits, your love one will be directed to contact you on your room telephone or cellular phone to give you the opportunity to communicate with each other. The Activities Department will assist with arranging FaceTime calls.
Upon arrival visitors are required to complete a COVID screening before entering the care unit. Visitors are required to wear a mask throughout their visit and the facility continues to follow the NYS DOH visitor’s guidelines & COVID-19 safety precautions.
- Visitors (regardless of vaccination status) will be screened during each visit, which consist of being asked a series of questions and having their temperature checked (Anyone with a temperature of 100°F or more will not be permitted).
- NO PETS, EATING, or DRINKING ALLOWED during visits with residents.
- Visitors will also need to provide their contact information in the event that tracing becomes necessary.
- MASK must be worn at ALL times!
- Visitors will be expected to practice social distancing, respiratory hygiene, hand hygiene, and social distancing while visiting
- If a resident is FULLY VACCINATED they may choose to have close contact (including touch) with their visitor while wearing a well-fitting mask and [both] performing hand hygiene before and after. Regardless, visitors should physical distance from other residents and staff in the facility
Although visitors are not REQUIRED be tested or vaccinated in order to visit: we strongly encourage visitors not to visit if experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms- fever, cough, shortness of breath, dizziness, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting
- Limited visitation may change at any time at the discretion of the NYSDOH or the facility.
- If staff or residents test positive for COVID-19; indoor visitation will be suspended for 14 days from the date the positive test was reported on the DOH HERDS survey. Outdoor visitation may continue based on weather permitting such visits
Failure to adhere to the visitor & covid-19 guidelines, will result in you being asked to leave the premises & you will forfeit your visiting privileges.
December 26, 2020
Visitor Guidelines
The Knolls recognizes the importance of visitation for the mental health and psychosocial wellbeing of our residents. Family and friends are encouraged to come to The Knolls as often as they can.
Visiting is accommodated on a 24-hr basis7-days a week. We ask that you visit between 10:00 am to 8:00pm. Kindly coordinate late night or early morning visits in advance with the nurse on shift or social worker. Up to 2 people can visit at a time & we ask that visitors remain in the resident’s room for the duration of the visit, unless approved by staff. If your love one is receiving rehab services we ask that you visit after lunch (1pm), as morning hours are devoted to clinical/therapy sessions. Compassionate Care visits are permitted at all times and the clinical team will review guidelines, as needed.
For the resident’s well-being, we ask that no alcoholic beverages be brought. Please discuss with your loved one’s physician or nurse what foods are permitted, so that they conform to her/his diet. All food items must be kept in closed container.
If at any time a resident is placed on contact precautions or observation, your love ones will be given the option to complete WINDOW visits or FaceTime call. During window visits, your love one will be directed to contact you on your room telephone or cellular phone to give you the opportunity to communicate with each other. The Activities Department will assist with arranging FaceTime calls.
Upon arrival visitors are required to complete a COVID screening before entering the care unit. Visitors are required to wear a mask throughout their visit and the facility continues to follow the NYS DOH visitor’s guidelines & COVID-19 safety precautions.
Visitors (regardless of vaccination status) will be screened during each visit, which consist of being asked a series of questions and having their temperature checked (Anyone with a temperature of 100°F or more will not be permitted).
- NO PETS, EATING, or DRINKING ALLOWED during visits with residents.
- Visitors will also need to provide their contact information in the event that tracing becomes necessary.
- MASK must be worn at ALL times!
- Visitors will be expected to practice social distancing, respiratory hygiene, hand hygiene, and social distancing while visiting.
If a resident is FULLY VACCINATED they may choose to have close contact (including touch) with their visitor while wearing a well-fitting mask and [both] performing hand hygiene before and after. Regardless, visitors should physical distance from other residents and staff in the facility
Although visitors are not REQUIRED be tested or vaccinated in order to visit: we strongly encourage visitors not to visit if experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms- fever, cough, shortness of breath, dizziness, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.
- Limited visitation may change at any time at the discretion of the NYSDOH or the facility.
- If staff or residents test positive for COVID-19; indoor visitation will be suspended for 14 days from the date the positive test was reported on the DOH HERDS survey. Outdoor visitation may continue based on weather permitting such visits.
Failure to adhere to the visitor & covid-19 guidelines, will result in you being asked to leave the premises & you will forfeit your visiting privileges.
April 8, 2021
Visitor Guidelines
For the safety of our residents and team members, visitation limitations are currently in place.
Outdoor visitation is allowed by appointment only!
Outdoor visitation is preferred and visits will occur outdoors; weather permitting
Indoor visitation will be allowed for all residents (regardless of vaccination status) except for a few circumstances when visitation should be limited due to high risk of COVID-19 transmission). Exception: Compassionate Care visits should be permitted at all times.
CMS and the NYS DOH recommends responsible indoor visitation regardless of vaccination status of the resident, or visitor, unless certain scenarios arise which include:
- If the county positivity rate is greater than 10% AND less than 70% of residents in the facility are fully vaccinated. Note for county positivity rates go to: (NH only)
- Residents with confirmed Covid-19 infection whether vaccinated or unvaccinated until they meet criteria to discontinue transmission based precautions.
- Residents in quarantine, whether vaccinated or unvaccinated, until they have met the criteria to release from quarantine.
NYSDOH/ CMS guidance allows outdoor visitation, even during an outbreak; or if county positivity rate is above 10%. (NH only)
The facility has designated visiting areas both for indoor and outdoor visitation to provide a visitation space that provides a safe and comfortable environment for all residents, staff and visitors.
- 10am to 12pm & 2pm to 5pm, Sunday–Saturday
- Visits will be limited to one hour.
- 2 designated visitors are permitted to visit a resident, separately during the scheduled appointment time.
- Visitors Can not have COVID-19 symptoms. Symptoms include; fever, cough, shortness of breath, dizziness, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.
- NO PETS, EATING, or DRINKING ALLOWED during visits with residents.
- Visitors (regardless of vaccination status) will be screened during each visit, which consist of being asked a series of questions and having their temperature checked (Anyone with a temperature of 100°F or more will not be permitted).
- Visitors will also need to provide their contact information in the event that tracing becomes necessary.
- MASK must be worn at ALL times!
- Visitors will be expected to practice social distancing (Maintain a 6ft distance).
- Visitors must perform hand hygiene before visiting a patient. Sanitizing foam or gel will be available.
- If a resident is FULLY VACCINATED they may choose to have close contact (including touch) with their visitor while wearing a well-fitting mask and [both] performing hand hygiene before and after. Regardless, visitors should physical distance from other residents and staff in the facility.
- Although visitors are not REQUIRED be tested or vaccinated in order to visit: we strongly encourage visitors to test in the 72 hours prior to visiting. We also strongly encourage visitors to be vaccinated; doing both these things will better protect their loved ones
- Limited visitation may change at any time at the discretion of the NYSDOH or the facility.
- If staff or residents test positive for COVID-19; indoor visitation will be suspended for 14 days from the date the positive test was reported on the DOH HERDS survey. Outdoor visitation may continue however appointments will still need to be made and these visits will be based on weather permitting such visits.
- Appointments must be made with the Concierge three days’ in advance. Appointments should be emailed to the following email address: — If you email a request on a Monday, then your visit will be on that Thursday assuming there is room. Appointments made on Fridays will be scheduled for Wednesday in the following week. Appointments cannot be made on Saturdays or Sundays. The Concierge will respond with an email confirmation within a 24-hour window
- If a resident is in a 14-day quarantine or observation period, visitation is not permitted.
Failure to adhere to the visitor & covid-19 guidelines, will result in you being asked to leave the premises & you will forfeit your visiting privileges.
Click here to download a copy of this letter.
September 15, 2020
Knolls Pandemic Preparedness Plan 2020
Click here to download a copy of this document (PDF).
August 4, 2020
Visitor Guidelines
For the safety of our residents and team members, visitation limitations are currently in place.
Outdoor visitation is allowed by appointment only!
- 10am to 1pm & 3pm to 5pm, Monday – Friday
- Visits will be limited to a 30-minute time frame.
- 2 designated visitors are permitted to visit a resident, separately during the scheduled appointment time.
- Visitors are not allowed indoors past the concierge’s desk.
- Visitors must be 18 or older.
- Visitors Can not have COVID-19 symptoms. Symptoms include; fever, cough, shortness of breath, dizziness, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.
- NO PETS, EATING, or DRINKING ALLOWED during visits with residents.
- Visitors will be screened during each visit, which consist of being asked a series of questions and having their temperature checked (Anyone with a temperature of 100°F or more will not be permitted).
- Visitors will also need to provide their contact information in the event that tracing becomes necessary.
- MASK must be worn at ALL times!
- Visitors will be expected to practice social distancing (Maintain a 6ft distance). Floor markings will display the appropriate distance.
- Visitors must perform hand hygiene before visiting a patient. Sanitizing foam or gel will be available.
- A designated staff will be president during all visit.
- Limited visitation may change at any time at the discretion of the NYSDOH or the facility
Failure to adhere to the visitor & covid-19 guidelines, will result in you being asked to leave the premises & you will forfeit your visiting privileges.
Click here to download a copy of this letter.
July 23, 2020
General Bethel Communities Visitation Policy
Read the Visitation Update (PDF)
June 24, 2020
Dear Bethel Community,
It’s been a long journey! We are grateful to report that all of our residents throughout our continuum are COVID free. We are very proud of our success. Our Assisted Living Residence, Bethel Springvale Inn, did not have a single Covid positive resident. We continue to follow all CDC and NYS Department of Health protocols. This includes extensive monitoring, screening and testing to determine if further intervention will need to be initiated.
We are so thankful to be healthy again, and remember fondly those who we lost. Our staff has worked tirelessly to respond to the ever-changing needs of each of our residents – physically, emotionally and spiritually through this challenge. The Covid 19 Pandemic has certainly brought out our best selves. We have a saying at Bethel, “not all heroes wear capes”. But some of our biggest heroes demonstrate their strength in some of the smallest ways. Their superpower is bringing out smiles in the frail elderly and helping them weather the storm.
We continue to enforce the “No Visitor” policy, per the NY State Department of Health mandate; all staff are screened each time they enter the building, and tested weekly. Also, rigorous and frequent sanitization of the building occurs throughout the day.
We look forward to the day that we can welcome you back to our building. We have been so thankful for your support – whether it took the shape of hand-made masks, delicious meals to warm our bodies, or kind words and contributions that reminded us how much you appreciated what we all were here to do.
Each building Administrator continues to communicate with their residents and family members at least weekly and anytime there is a significant change.
If you would like more information, please call:
Bethel Nursing & Rehabilitation Center – Croton-on-Hudson
Paul Scarpinato, Administrator, 914-739-6700
Bethel Nursing Home – Ossining
Lorraine Festa, Administrator, 914-941-7300
The Knolls – Valhalla
Michael Dobbins, Executive Director, 914-461-4500
Bethel Springvale Inn – Croton-on-Hudson
Patricia Kiggins, Administrator, 914-739-4404
Thank you.
Click here to download a copy of this letter.
April 13, 2020
Dear Bethel Community,
Please be assured we continue to follow all CDC and NYS Department of Health protocols. This includes extensive monitoring, screening and documenting of any/all changes to determine if further intervention will need to be initiated.
We continue to enforce the “No Visitor” policy, all staff are screened each time they enter the building. Also, rigorous and frequent sanitization of the building occurs throughout the day. We thank our dedicated staff for their continued efforts to assure our residents are well cared for.
Each building Administrator is communicating with their residents and family members.
If you would like more information, please call:
Bethel Nursing & Rehabilitation Center – Croton-on-Hudson
Paul Scarpinato, Administrator, 914-739-6700
Bethel Nursing Home – Ossining
Lorraine Festa, Administrator, 914-941-7300
The Knolls – Valhalla
Michael Dobbins, Executive Director, 914-461-4500
Bethel Springvale Inn – Croton-on-Hudson
Patricia Kiggins, Administrator, 914-739-4404
Thank you.
Click here to download a copy of this letter.
April 2, 2020
From Robert W. Elliott, Chairman, Bethel Board of Directors
To All Bethel Staff,
On behalf of Bethel’s Board of Directors, I want to thank you for everything you do each day for all of our residents and the Bethel organization.
Who knew this would be our reality right now? That “PPE” would become a term known to everyone besides the healthcare community? Or that “front line” workers would be given the enormous responsibility of providing both hope and help to keep the world going, whether it’s medical care, driving trucks, or stocking shelves, etc.? All front line roles are so critical to maintain society’s well-being and sense of normalcy during this time.
And this is especially true for our residents, something, of course, you know better than anyone else. The hope and help you bring to our Bethel residents every day, when you walk into their quarantined rooms, is immeasurable. Just by your presence, even before you say a word, they know you are there for them.
Everyone wants to feel connected and comforted, especially this population and especially right now. So thank you, from all of us on the board. We may not know each of you personally, but we know what you do for Bethel and the commitment you have to our residents.

Robert W. Elliott, Chairman, Bethel’s Board of Directors
Board Members
James Campbell
Rev. Dr. John E. Carrington
Rev. Kevan T. Hitch
Margaret McGarrity
Richard Merbaum
Keith Safian
Andrew Samalin
Click here to download a copy of this letter
March 31, 2020
A Message to Our Staff
Dear Bethel Staff,
In Governor Cuomo’s Sunday press conference regarding COVID-19, he spent some time recognizing the dedication of front line workers and first responders in NY, as well as describing the special challenge of keeping nursing home residents safe from the Coronavirus.
He called the work of those on the front lines “acts of love and courage” because just like everyone else, these workers are afraid, too. “But there is something more important than their fear,” says the governor. “And that is their passion, their commitment for public service and helping others. And that’s all it is. Their passion and belief in helping others, overcomes their fears. He continued, “That makes them, in my book, just truly amazing and outstanding human beings.”
Governor Cuomo also shared that the number of confirmed cases in NY was 59,513 and that a quarter of those cases are nursing home residents.
And although this is almost 15,000 seniors, Governor Cuomo said, “We are lucky that it’s only a quarter. Coronavirus in a nursing home is a toxic mix. This virus preys on the vulnerable, it preys on our seniors and it preys on people with compromised immune systems and underlying conditions.” He continued, “COVID-19 in a nursing home can be like fire through dry grass.”
He mentioned some of the precautionary measures which were implemented, with this vulnerability in mind, to combat COVID-19 and keep nursing home residents safe such as the “no visitor” policy, staff being screened each time they enter the building and an extensive focus on infection control. With these policies in place and other efforts, the governor hopes to fight the spread of COVID-19 among the nursing home populations.
At Bethel, we have also been emphasizing, from day one, how critical infection control is to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Our staff is well-versed in these protocols and the need to comply with all guidelines. They are also apprised of any changes in these practices when the Department of Health updates them. We are also doing our best to provide staff with the needed PPE supplies, as well, to keep everyone safe.
And when Governor Cuomo talks about front line staff, we know what he’s talking about because we see it with our own employees. Our front line employees come in every day and put their fears aside so they can put the residents first. We know how hard that is, leaving their own families at home, hoping they will be safe, and worrying about the changes going on all around and what that means to their immediate and future lives.
Thank you so much for everything you are doing to care for our residents during this stressful time. It is very much appreciated.
Beth Goldstein
Click here to download a copy of this letter
March 28, 2020
A Front Line Perspective
By Ed Grano, Bethel’s Corporate Director of Rehabilitation
This message appeared on an internal message board for Bethel employees
We are health care providers. We are ALL a special breed of person to have entered into this field. By our nature we have a different kind of courage and work ethic than most other people. We work for the well-being of others, and cannot help but nurture and care for our residents, families, friends, even strangers. Without people like us our society would be unlivable. To do what we all do on a normal, daily basis takes tremendous courage and character, and now our society needs us more than ever. Because we see things in people that others cannot. We see the how precious our elderly are, we learn about who they’ve been and we know who they are now, and we understand that their legacy is what gives us much of what we enjoy today. I have never been more proud to be a health care worker. In this critical time we must stay strong and flex that unique courage we have been blessed with. We must continue to care and care HARD and leave this as our legacy.
March 9, 2020
Dear Family Members,
As we are sure you are aware, the Governor has declared a State of Emergency in New York in response to Coronavirus.
In order to keep our vulnerable residents safe we are restricting visitation to all our buildings until further notice.
Only employees and medical personnel will be allowed in the buildings.
We suggest that you telephone or Facetime your loved one in lieu of visiting.
We’re sure you will work with us in our efforts to keep your loved ones safe.
Thank you,
Beth Goldstein
Chief Executive Officer