Sylvia N. and her husband, Harold, previously lived in Scarsdale for 55 years and are glad that they came across The Knolls.
A welcoming ambassador
Sylvia was thrilled to become an Ambassador for the community and share her love for The Knolls. As an Ambassador, Sylvia attends events for prospective residents and helps answer questions for anyone thinking about becoming a resident at The Knolls.
“Sometimes we have lunch, sometimes we have coffee and dessert,” Sylvia explained. “We [Ambassadors] go from group to group to answer questions anyone has, and it’s all about making the pathway to living here easy for them.”
Like any good ambassador, Sylvia helps make people comfortable and shares her perspective about life at The Knolls. She says that most seniors who are considering moving to The Knolls ask questions such as, “Is it really independent living?” “What kind of activities are there to do?” and, “What are you involved in on campus?” Sylvia is happy to answer all the questions she can – and gets particularly enthusiastic when answering that last one.
A collection of committees and then some
Sylvia gets enthusiastic when asked about her involvement at The Knolls because you’ll have to use two hands to count the number of groups and committees that she has contributed to here. In addition to having served as Resident Association President, the Welcoming, Bylaws, Food, Communications and Finance committees, as well as the News & Views Group and Residents’ Association, have all benefited from Sylvia’s involvement.
Although she no longer serves on a few of those, Sylvia makes sure to continue making new residents feel welcome (Welcoming Committee), helping Harold with his duties on the finance committee (he is the current chair), sharing feedback on The Knolls’ dining options (food committee) and keeping everyone up-to-date on happenings on and off campus (communications committee).
You can also find Sylvia regularly volunteering at the on-campus convenience store and making sure that the next morning’s cashier has all he or she needs. When she’s not volunteering in some form, Sylvia enjoys using The Knolls’ fitness center and pool and practicing her newfound hobby: sewing on the loom.
“I also attend religious services up the road in White Plains,” she said. “But other than that, there’s really no need for me to leave campus, I mean, why should I travel when I can get it all here?!”
Sylvia has experienced firsthand the “got-it-all” lifestyle at The Knolls, and she offers her perspective to anyone considering living at a Continuing Care Retirement Community like The Knolls:
“This is really independent living. You can do your life any way you want. You shouldn’t wait until you’re ‘ready’ – don’t wait until it would be hard for you to participate in the wonderful lifestyle we have here. We want people who are active and ready to participate in community life. If you’re ready to move, why not now?”
We’d love to welcome you for a visit of our community and let you experience firsthand the senior lifestyle that so many of our residents enjoy. Like Sylvia said – why not now? Simply click here to get in touch, or call us at 914-461-4517!