With crisp, winter-like winds already blowing throughout New York, many seniors who would normally be traveling south around this time are hunkering down and staying put this season. For many, this can add a fair amount of stress about the seasons ahead, from worrying about things like snow and ice removal to ensuring you can still get out for groceries, safe levels of activity and community engagement. This year especially, many New York seniors are concerned about the winter months ahead.
Not residents of The Knolls. The residents of The Knolls in Westchester can let these worries melt away just like snow.
That’s because our team of maintenance and landscaping professionals handles all the hard work for you! Winterization and snow removal needs are taken care of for the entire community, so when the wind whips and the snow falls, all you need to do is sit back and enjoy its beauty!
Winter at The Knolls: Security before, during and after the storm
Before a single snowflake ever hits the ground, our maintenance team spends time working throughout the community to ensure that each residence and community building is best prepared for cold weather.
The team starts by replacing mesh screens on patios with solid glass panels to keep the cold and precipitation outside. Of course, our maintenance team keeps a constant eye on roofs, gutters, windows and HVAC systems as well, ready to repair and replace—at no cost to you.
When the snow and ice do eventually accumulate, you can relax and rest assured that the professional staff at The Knolls will handle the snow removal throughout the community, including sidewalks and roadways on campus. In the hours and days following snowfall, our crew continues to work to keep members of our community safe by distributing salt and ice melt on outdoor walking surfaces. What this means for you is very simple: no more shoveling! Even better, all areas of The Knolls are accessible without ever taking a step outside.
Living at The Knolls in the winter: Safe and warm
Most members of our community reside here during the winter, where they enjoy the peace of mind that comes with living at a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) like The Knolls in Westchester. They take great comfort in the sense of community that living at The Knolls provides. Come hail or sleet or snow, there’s always something happening at The Knolls and no matter how low the thermostat falls, friends and neighbors are only a short walk away.
As part of the robust monthly service package that all residents enjoy, utilities are included, so don’t worry about turning that thermostat up another degree or so. One meal a day is provided, and our bistro is available so you’ll only have to cook if you want to. Plus, on-site fitness and wellness amenities make it easy to stay in shape when the weather turns.
For now, if the idea of never having to lift a shovel full of ice and snow—along with living in an energetic, warmly welcoming community where all your needs are met—appeals to you, give us a call! We’re currently scheduling private, COVID-safe, personalized tours. Request yours by clicking here or calling 914-461-4500 today.